Wednesday, December 12, 2012


July 4, 1776 to December 21, 2012 =
86,367 days.  86367 + 33 = 86400.  86400 seconds = 1 Day
864000 is diameter of the Sun/Son.
864000/33.33333333333 = 25920  years is  Plato’s Great Year
Dec 21, 2012 + 33 days is January 23, 2013.  That is 3 days into the sign of Aquarius.

July 4, 1776 was a transformative moment as was September 11, 2001
From Sept 11, 2001 to Feb 8, 2013 =  4166.66666 days plus or minus
4166 days is 11.4 years, which is the length of the Solar Cycle.
Solar Cycle 24 is set to end in the next  few months. The 24 hour ends the day
.04166666 days is = 1 hour
4,166.66666 days = 100,000 hours = 6,000,000 Minutes = 360,000,000 Sec
4,166.6666 days = 108,000,000 Hebrew Calendar parts,  1080 is 1/24 of 25,920.
86400/4166.666666666 = 20.736
20736 + 5184 = 25920

Clearly September 11, 2001 was a Trans-formative moment. Does the 911 date have a relationship to the shift into the Age of Aquarius?
From September 11, 2001 to February 8 2013(Aquarius opens)  there are 4166 days.
4,166.66666 days = 100,000 hours = 6,000,000 Minutes = 360,000,000 Seconds
The Hebrew Calendars divides days into 25,920 Parts per day.
4,166.6666 days = 108,000,000 parts

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